Your brand
Your quotes
Your way

White-label the Simplified solar quote tool on your own website now.

A recent Simplified Energy white-label partner

First impressions matter

Make it count

Increase conversions

You have a cool website and offer an awesome solar installation service. Don't let a boring request-a-quote form ruin the experience. The Simplified Solar quote tool makes you look smart and professional right from the start.

An engaged audience from day one

By adding the white-label Simplified Solar quote tool to your website, prospects can gain a comprehensive insight into what solar energy can offer for their property and how your services and pricing align with their needs. This facilitates a smoother process for both in-person and remote surveys because customers come in better informed and more engaged. Additionally, the tool assists in identifying prospects who may not be the right match for your offerings.


On brand. On message.

Our simple, intuitive online configurator gives you complete control over the look and feel of the tool. This includes colour schemes, logos, marketing images, and content. The tool can be embedded directly into your site, or linked to from your site, and can be customised to perfectly match your brand and messaging. This ensures a seamless experience for your customers, and a consistent brand experience for your business.

Mac Buttons
Screenshot of theme configuration

Preferred hardware and custom packages

We make it super easy to create a base catalogue of hardware from your preferred solar tech manufacturers. The tool will automatically pick your catalogue of components to create a package that meets the demands of the design. You have the option of presenting hardware packages to the end user. These are totally flexible but are often used to present manufacturer-branded bundles or used to create tiers such as "economy", "standard" and "premium".

Mac Buttons
Screenshot of hardware configuration
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2 Frederick Street, Kings Cross, London, WC1X 0ND
Simplified Energy Ltd is registered in England and Wales No. 15192917
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